Thursday, April 2, 2015

What to do when you are home alone

I'm home alone right now (giving you this information in the hope that you are not a psychopath and going to track me down and kill me) and I don't know what to do.  So I thought I might try to be helpful and give you ideas on what to do when you are home alone.
1.  Google "What to do when you are home alone".  The answers are always entertaining.  It's possible you will try one.  It's much more possible you will flip though all of them laughing at other people who have tried them.
2.  Google "Zerg Rush".  You will seriously be staring at this for hours.
3.  Search for your favorite actors "Bacon Number".
4.  People watch from your window. This is probably the most entertaining.  Especially with food.
5.  Write fanfiction.  This is pretty self explanatory.  Write fiction of something you're a fan of.  Just try not to make it too weird...
6.  Bake cookies (preferably in view of the TV).  Multitasking!
And lastly, Don't leave the stove on after baking cookies

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annabeth!
    I recently started a blog as well! It can be a bit of work and might take awhile to get going (I'm still working on it too :). Good luck with everything, and welcome to the blogging world!
