Friday, June 12, 2015

Liebster Award

I have been awarded by Mickayla over at Pencils can Change to World .  Thank's for nominating me!

Rules for Liebster Award:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
2.  Give your reader eleven random facts about yourself.  
3.  Answer eleven questions from the blog who nominated you.  
4.  Nominate eleven blogs to receive this award.  
5.  Come up with eleven questions for your nominees.  

1 1 Facts about Me: 
1.  I think used book stores are comforting.
2.  My favorite game is Apples to Apples.
3.  I love going to museums, libraries, movie theaters and anywhere else where you have to be quiet to fully appreciate the art.  
4.   My favorite clothing store is Hot Topic.  
5.  I am always playing hard rock music at the loudest volume.
6.  My favorite Disney movie is Alice in Wonderland. 
7.  I love accents.  
8.  My favorite book is either Harry Potter or Pride and Prejudice.  
9.  I have done a lot of musical theater and acting (even though I'm horrible at singing).    
10.  I have a list of my favorite things in my room.  
11. I kind of watch people...but it's just to get ideas for story characters!

1 1 Questions from Mickayla:

1.  What inspired you to write?
 Basically just reading a lot.  I wanted to create a world of my own like my favorite authors have.

2.  What is your favorite Bible verse?
I think Roman 15:7 is empowering us to be excepting of each other.  "Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."

3.  What is your favorite season of the year and why? 
I love fall because all the trees change color.  I also really like Halloween...

4.  If you draw, paint, or do any other type of art can you show us a picture of your favorite?
Sadly I'm not the greatest at art.  The best I've ever drawn is pretty much a stick figure.
5.  What book are you currently reading?
I just finished reading The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger.  I liked the kind of style and story so I decided to pick up  The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

6.  Do you listen to music while you write?  If so, what is your favorite?
Sometimes, but never music with words.  I like listening to a movie sound track.

7.  Have you ever taken a fandom quiz?  If so, what fandom?  What were your results?
More then one!  I was sorted into the Hufflepuff house (Harry Potter), and then went to live in the Capital (The Hunger Games).  Apparently I am erudite (Divergent) with an egg whisk and an annoying robotic voice because yes I am a Dalek (Doctor Who).

8.  When you write do you prefer to type or hand-write it?  

Type!  Whenever I hand-write something my brain works to fast for my hands to keep up with and I end up forgetting everything.  

9.  What is your favorite part of the writing process?  (Ex: Planing, First draft, Editing)
Probably planning.  I get really excited if I have an interesting idea and then I can't wait to develop it. 

10.  What is your favorite form of exercise?
Ugg.  I guess I'll swim if forced.  

11. What is one word that describes you?

1 1 Questions for You:  
1. What is your favorite song?
2.  Movies or TV shows?
3.  Do you have a favorite youtuber?    
4.  What is the meaning of life in one sentence??
5. What is your favorite social network? 
6.  Outside or Inside? 
7.  Can you show us a picture of your Netflix history? 
8.  What character do you wish you could be the most like?  
9.  What would your dream day be?
10.  Why is your favorite writer your favorite writer?  (Do you like the way he/she builds their worlds or how they develop their characters?  What is your favorite quality about them?)
11.  What did you dream about last night?

I don't know anyone else who hasn't been already nominated so any one who wants to take part in the Liebster Award please feel free!  

Thursday, April 2, 2015

What to do when you are home alone

I'm home alone right now (giving you this information in the hope that you are not a psychopath and going to track me down and kill me) and I don't know what to do.  So I thought I might try to be helpful and give you ideas on what to do when you are home alone.
1.  Google "What to do when you are home alone".  The answers are always entertaining.  It's possible you will try one.  It's much more possible you will flip though all of them laughing at other people who have tried them.
2.  Google "Zerg Rush".  You will seriously be staring at this for hours.
3.  Search for your favorite actors "Bacon Number".
4.  People watch from your window. This is probably the most entertaining.  Especially with food.
5.  Write fanfiction.  This is pretty self explanatory.  Write fiction of something you're a fan of.  Just try not to make it too weird...
6.  Bake cookies (preferably in view of the TV).  Multitasking!
And lastly, Don't leave the stove on after baking cookies

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hello people of the Internet

So, I decided to write a blog.
Dragging me away from Pinterest, Netflix, YouTube, and reading was a struggle but thankfully I have annoyingly persistent friends who are probably reading this and getting mad.
Anyhow, I kinda like (LOVE) to write, so I'm giving this whole thing a try.
Someone once said: "In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can."